when a boy says i love you
when a boy says i love you
say thank you and no thank you
when a boy says i love you
say thank you and no thank you
i want my rising to coincide with the orchestra
Don’t dim the light you carry In your face Just because someone needs To squint in order to look into Your glowing eyes You are not like You are not close to You don’t resemble You are You are a star And you shine because you Know the truth That you are a combination of …
life teaches us innocently but blindly
that to be a Cinderella
before i turned back on my life
and decided to call it a quit today
you are the last one of your kind
my hands forgot how to write poems
something was the reason
My sexual urges as an adult have been on life support now.
tell them to go
and make sure they gather
everything of theirs
you shall not