two months after 27,
i have learned so many things
that after a poetry show many people will surround
you to tell you how much they love you
and appreciate your work
and so, you should believe them
incubate those words from the lips of
those who are not afraid to send
rain to water your flowers
or give you the soil to grow your roots
believe them even if you will confess
to a friend just on top of the footbridge
how your body felt so weak
to gather into your basket the love and admiration
laid at your feet like kisses
you should believe them
that many intentionally planted seeds of
encouragement at the changing room
whiles your stomach gobbled with anxiety
and the fear of not-pleasing
so that you will not fall to a depth that will break
your spirit, even your soul
so, one day if you happen to pass around
just ask for the keys to the very room
you stood and invited the world to see
your craft, you will see flowers booming
on concrete floors
because your presence carries the sun
and darling even your little
fears can’t change their adornment
the clouds will be jealous of you at night
because you have competed with stars
and the more darkness they will
throw to surround you
but you will shine no less
darling, you will shine no little
just by the virtue of being human
a day will carry honey and milk
another will carry salt and bones
but there will be no parts and pieces
missing in your life
because struggles have different
flavors than others
and your tongue will adapt to tasting them all
two months after 27, i have learned so many things
that when you have a dream you should chase it
you should share it
you should scream
like happiness it may not last all day
it will come but some day it will go away
when your time is up
two months after 27, i have learned so many things
that gifts and talents are weapon
sometimes you just want to do two things
with it at the same time
sometimes it leaves you questioning
your own identity
what it is really you have been called to do
but it chooses you so it will guide you
and the universe will send you gifts
as friends
and wrap up strangers even as knights
who barely know you to cheer you like a queen
the world can never have enough of you
whilst you are here
and even when you are gone
the only evidence that you too were
will be the things you leave behind
on the 26th of May I turned 27
on the 26th of July I am living 27
two months after 27
and i have learned so many things
to never quit
to show up
to tell my story
to expect that kind and unkind
things may
happen to me
but through it all
we will thrive
at 27

she will thrive.

-Jo Nketiah.


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