
Once I went to the roof top of my apartment and slept on the hard floor to stare into the dark clouds. I felt small because I realized how vast and occupying the sky was, to some extent a grip of fear enveloped around my heart.

Jo Nketiah with Anonymous guest on the Journey with Schizophrenia, Rehabilitation and finding worthy

The month of may is a Mental Awareness Month and I am joined by an acquaintance to share his extraordinary journey with Schizophrenia. Our first meeting had us delving into deep conversations for close to three hours! This episode also marks the last episode of our first season of this podcast and this is my …

Jo Nketiah with Anonymous guest on the Journey with Schizophrenia, Rehabilitation and finding worthy Read More »

Jo Nketiah with Anonymous guest on Embracing and Telling the complex stories of our lives with bravery and

There are some stories that almost seem impossible to be true. Why do we feel the need to judge people’s experiences as valid and concrete? Is it because we are wired up to accept only one narrative or look at different things through the same lens? I also find myself searching for the answers to …

Jo Nketiah with Anonymous guest on Embracing and Telling the complex stories of our lives with bravery and Read More »

Jo Nketiah with Kingsley on Suicidal, Surviving, Thriving and Nurturing dreams.

As the life gets tough, many are faced with one reality and that is its emptiness and the void. The reality of hopelessness sinks in deep and sometimes one is left with nothing but to reach the deep ends of what emptiness and void they are feeling. People take their own lives not because they …

Jo Nketiah with Kingsley on Suicidal, Surviving, Thriving and Nurturing dreams. Read More »

Jo Nketiah with Fafali on ‘”The mental, emotional and physical contribution to my weight loss journey”

Quick one!!!! Do you know some of the reasons behind your delayed menses and irregular menses???  in this episode, my friend Dorcas Fafali Tsey  shares her journey with PCOS ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), her experience with birth control pills and her battle with weight gain after many years.  It is not just a conversation, it …

Jo Nketiah with Fafali on ‘”The mental, emotional and physical contribution to my weight loss journey” Read More »

Jo Nketiah with Samuel and Ewuradjoa on understanding the adult need for mental and emotional well being

The long awaited conversation is here!!! In this episode you need to grab a pen and a book because are going back to the lecture hall! Let me begin by asking, how are you? Our world has been challenged with the covid 19 pandemic and everybody is experiencing the effect in diverse ways. So again, …

Jo Nketiah with Samuel and Ewuradjoa on understanding the adult need for mental and emotional well being Read More »

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