Anointed in Obscurity Part 2

Response to Anointed in Obscurity by Jude Hansen ( Facebook audience)

My recent article Anointed in Obscurity got quite some great responses from my readers on Facebook but there was none quite as fascinating as the one shared by one reader, Jude Hansen who went on to give a great exposition on the article written. As a matter of fact, not only was I blessed by his response, but I believe what He shared was something worth sharing back to my audience and thus the birth of Anointed in Obscurity part 2.

Jude Hansen writes

Hi Jo, I just can’t remember when last I read a Christian article online that contained so much of sincerity and honesty like this one, but maybe that’s what happens when God has to communicate an unusual message to His people in a time where it’s quite abstract to hear exactly what God is saying to a people who may have so quickly and unknowingly termed what God had to allow for the birthing of their maturity and uniqueness in the field He has assigned them, as delay. And the truth is that, the success and fulfilment that is attained by virtue of the heart that desires to make a godly impact in the life of others and crown the name of God with all the glory, is what is archived in the book of God’s WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT.

As a result, the love of God in partnership with the grace of God always orchestrates some storms into the path of the chosen to safely guide them into the wilderness/the secret place, where the chosen gets the full picture of what to do, where to do it, when to do it and how to do it, as far as purpose is concerned and the Potter’s molding ability is exercised in the making of the chosen with all the requisite divine and natural competence needed for the fulfillment of the chosen’s assignment. And undoubtedly, it’s only a tender responsive heart that could act in obedience to the biddings of God’s will which is the core purpose of the Christian life. But unfortunately today, though in every situation there are some lessons to be learnt, the authenticity of Christianity seems to be a matter of concern for those who are yet to be found by grace because there are many representing the Christ without the full stature of the Christ actualized in their lives and that seems to be painting a picture contrary to the Christ that is being represented.

And the truth is that, the success and fulfilment that is attained by virtue of the heart that desires to make a godly impact in the life of others and crown the name of God with all the glory, is what is archived in the book of God’s WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT.

David was anointed as king at age 15, but was officially coronated as king at age 30 and as some may ask, why did he have to wait for fifteen consecutive years before becoming the king he was anointed at age 15 to be? The answer is simple, the boy was destined to be a king, but he needed some thorough preparation through training for that kingship mandate because without proper training for anything, one will always fall into unnecessary defeats here and there and blame it on an adversary who only takes advantage of the ignorance of people. Both the hosanna in the highest and the crucify him played a crucial role in the death and resurrection of Jesus. No one who seeks to elevate and transfigure into the dimension of the best of themselves can achieve that without good times and bad times. If God hasn’t declared anyone a failure yet, which He doesn’t do, anyone who thinks of someone as a failure is just giving them more reason to reaching out to the mark of their call. We live in a time where almost every uncertainty that happens to one is considered has some darts from the adversary’s base, but the good and blessings that comes with some challenges of life is something of worth capable to be grasped only by those who have learned the benefits of pain by counting it all joy when they fall into divers trials, knowing that the testing of their faith produces patience, but patience must be given some time to do its perfect work, that they may be perfect and complete lacking nothing, as declared in James 1:2. 

If God hasn’t declared anyone a failure yet, which He doesn’t do, anyone who thinks of someone as a failure is just giving them more reason to reaching out to the mark of their call.

Moses was going to see the glory of God, but not until he had obediently and wholeheartedly positioned himself in the cleft of the rock because in the cleft of the rock one becomes detached from the flesh, become selfless and solely dependent on God. The cleft of the rock may seem as a death zone, but that’s exactly the requirement for seeing the glory of God because until there’s death to one’s self and desires, one cannot be alive in God and His will. Abraham had every reason to doubt God, but Romans 4:18 says that, even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations, for God had said to him, that’s how your descendants shall be, as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand at the shore. And hope is always a prove that one hasn’t lost their vision yet and that all unpleasant situations are subject to a positive change and that not considering the state of current situations as Abraham did not consider the deadness of Sarah’s womb is the hope that brings into manifestation the expectations that are in correlation with God’s will. Sometimes what we call a storm is just a message of alignment from God to put us on the path of His will and plan. All those who kept the faith had a good report, and keeping up the faith still produces a good report. Happy weekend! “

All those who kept the faith had a good report, and keeping up the faith still produces a good report”.


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